Eccosorb SF-U is a narrow banded, magnetically loaded resonant absorber sheet for free- space applications. These polyurethane rubber sheets are designed to be bonded to flat or curved metallic surfaces to reduce the reflectivity in a narrow band of frequencies. Eccosorb SF-U reflects -20 dB or less of normally incident microwave energy at the design frequency in the range of 1 to 26 GHz.
Caratteristiche e Benefici |
Mercati |
Esempi di applicazioni |
Disponibilità |
Istruzioni per l’uso |
Proprietà | ECCOSORB SF-U |
Max service temperature °C (°F) | 120 (325) |
Hardness (Shore A) | 80 |
Surface Density Range | 3 to 21.5 |
Density Range g/cm3 | 2.6 – 4.7 |
Tensile Strength MPa | 2.–5.5 |
Elongation at break % | 60–225 |
Tear Strength N/mm | 3.0 to 15 |
Data for design engineer guidance only. Observed performance varies in application.
Engineers are reminded to test the material in application.
Euro Technologies propone una vasta selezione di prodotti. All’interno del catalogo generale vengono descritte, per ciascuna gamma, le caratteristiche e le specifiche tecniche e i benefici, le varianti disponibili e le possibili applicazioni.