Eccosorb® MF-PA-120


Eccosorb MF-PA represents a family of injection molded absorbers based on a thermoplastic matrix with high magnetic loss. Eccosorb MF-PA-120 is a high temperature alternative for Eccosorb MF-PP-120 for medium to high volume applications.

Caratteristiche del prodotto
Caratteristiche e Benefici
  • Thermoplastic polymer amenable to injection molded processes
  • Injection molding is ideal for complex shapes and high volume applications – results in lower part cost
  • Environmentally friendly, RoHS/Reach compliant
  • Halogen free
  • High Temperature Resistance
  • Low outgassing – < 1.00% TML and <0.10% CVCM
  • Telecom infrastructure and wireless networks
  • Automotive radar
  • Satellite communications
  • Military electronics
  • Industrial instrumentation
  • Medical
Esempi di applicazioni
  • Eccosorb MF-PA-120 products are used as attenuator and termination in waveguides, coaxial or stripline application.
  • Other applications include phase shifters in phased array antennas and structural absorbers for board-level and above board EMI suppression. Board-level solutions include high loss chip-cap structures which combine both shielding and absorption. Above board, structural covers in Eccosorb MF-PA-120 material are a cost-effective alternative for traditional solutions where an absorbing material is glued on the metallic cover.
  • Eccosorb MF-PA-120 is the standard available grade.
  • Products are custom designed in consultation with the customer.Our application engineers will assist the customer in the complete process, from design to final product. The customized solutions mostly come with a smart mechanical fixing so that no glue is required.
Tensile Strength (MPa)47
Max. Service Temperature °C (°F)170 (338)
Density (g/cm³)4.27
Durometer Hardness (Shore D)87

Data for design engineer guidance only. Observed performance varies in application.
Engineers are reminded to test the material in application.



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