Eccosorb® BSR-U


Eccosorb BSR-U is a thin, flexible, high-loss, electrically non-conductive urethane absorber. It is designed for the frequency range from 6 GHz to mm wave. It is available in a wide range of thicknesses to suit an extremely broad range of applications including very small microwave cavities typically seen in higher frequencies. The main advantage of the polyurethane version is its ease of bonding to various substrates.

Caratteristiche del prodotto
Caratteristiche e Benefici
  • High mechanical strength
  • Excellent abrasion resistance
  • Silicone free
  • Commercia lTelecom
  • Automotive and Industrial Electronics
Esempi di applicazioni
  • Eccosorb BSR-U is effective in reducing surface currents, cavity resonances, coupling and to some extent specular reflections due to the absorber’s high permittivity and permeability as well as high loss values.
  • It will significantly improve the operation of microwave devices by lowering the Q of cavities.
  • Eccosorb BSR-U will reduce the reflections from metal structures through the absorption of surface currents.
  • Applications include power amplifiers, oscillators and down/up converters.
  • Standard sheets are 305 mm x 305 mm (12”x12”).

  • Standard thicknesses are 0.25mm (.010”), 0.50mm (.020”), 1.0mm (.040”), 1.5mm (.060”) and 2.54mm (.100”).
  • It can be supplied with a pressure sensitive adhesive designated as Eccosorb BSR-U-xx-SA, where the –SA suffix stands for Self-Adhesive .
  • The products are also available in other sizes, thicknesses and customer specified configurations upon request. This includes die cut and kiss cut parts to reduce installation labor by allowing quick assembly.
Istruzioni per l’uso
  • Eccosorb BSR-U is designed to function directly in front of ametallic surface. If this is not the case, a metallic foil should first be bonded to the object.

  • To obtain a strong bond of the absorber to the object, the metallic surface should be first thoroughly cleaned with a degreasing solvent.
  • Epoxy and acrylic adhesives are recommended or use theself-adhesive version.
  • Eccosorb BSR-U can be readily cut with a sharp knife and template. It is a very flexible material and will conform to contoured surfaces.
Frequency Range≥6Ghz
Service Temperature °C (°F)-40 to 120 (-40 to 248)
Hardness Shore A80
Elongation %50
Tensile Strength MPa3.5



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