NoiseSorb NS1000 Series


NoiseSorb NS1000 series is an ultrathin near field noise suppression absorber product used for EMI control in electronic devices. The absorber is designed for the frequency range from 20 MHz up to 2 GHz. It is used to mitigate EM energy; it interacts and suppresses the magnetic field at the noise source.

Caractéristiques & Avantages
  • High magnetic permeability
  • RoHs, Halogen Free
  • Outstanding temperature stability
  • Low outgassing
  • Consumer electronics including smart phones & tablets
  • Industrial electronics including automotive/infotainment
Exemples d’application
  • NoiseSorb NS1000 series absorber can be placed over CPUs, main chip sets and other memory and power IC devices to suppress radiated noise causing interference with RF functions, crosstalk or SAR emissions
  • It can be used to suppress noise currents from circuit trace lines and flat cables that act like radiating antennas causing EMI problems and crosstalk issues
  • It can also be applied to high speed transmission lines, LCD displays and circuit board elements that are radiating energy and causing EMI issues
  • When placed within a cavity that is operating in the lower microwave frequencies, NoiseSorb NS1000 series has proven to be effective in damping resonances and reducing surface currents.
  • Available in three standard thicknesses: 0.10mm (.004”). 0.20mm (.008”) and 0.40mm (.016)
  • Standard sheet size 210mm X 300mm
  • Includes 0.05mm transfer tape for self-adhesive application
  • Product can be supplied as cut parts to customer print.
  • Samples available upon request; standard sample size is 100mm X 100mm
Système de commande série NS1000
  • Last two digits represent thickness of sheet in hundredths of a millimeter (XX/100mm)
  • For example, P/N NS10XX where XX is 10 = 0.10mm X 210mm X 300mm (standard sheet size)
  • Suffix after P/N represents sample size. For example, NS1020S = 0.20mm X 100mm X 100mm
Propriétés du produit
Initial permeability @ 1 MHZ110
Effective frequency range20 MHZ – 2 GHz
Specific gravity (g/cc)3.5
Thickness (mm)0.10, 0.20, 0.40
Operating temperature range (°C)-40 up to 105
Surface resistivity (Ω)106 min.
Thermal conductivity (W/mK)1.0
Tensile strength (Mpa)35
Outgassing (%TML) (%CVCM)*0.186/0.011



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