The Automation Industry

In the last few years the Automation Industry has grown rapidly, both in terms of dedicated technology and products.
Euro Technologies’ catalogue offers various bespoke products for the Automation Industry, both for EMI-RFI shielding and Thermal Management solutions.
To the first category belong Flat Gaskets – within conductive elastomers – and Electrically Conductive Elastomers, ideal for applications requiring environmental sealing as well EMI-RFI shielding.
Worth mentioning are also, Fingerstock – Contact Strips, Shielded Windows and Fabric-over-Foam Profiles and Gaskets.
When the issue is filling air gaps between heat releasing components, Euro Technologies offers Gap Fillers, while Thermally Conductive Insulators are specifically designed where high performance in terms of heat transfer and electrical isolation is required.
Thermal Management solutions are completed by Thermal Phase Change Materials which best replace the use of grease.
SMD testers, machine tool controls, overhead crane controls, measurement instruments and AC/DC power supplies are among the applications in which Euro Technologies’ products are most employed.
