Euro Technologies S.r.l. has recently fitted the roof of its plant with photovoltaic (PV) panels.
These PV panels are semi-integrated, with PV modules placed on the whole surface of the south-facing side of the roof. The 240 PV panels -225 to 230 Wp each – generate 59.80 kW.
The system has at least a 20-year guarantee and a forecast efficiency of no less than 90% in the first 10 years and at least 80% after 25 years.
Monitoring and control of the system are software-driven: this allows for ongoing or planned checks on the correct operation of the lines of the panels and of the installed inverters as well as access to all technical details.
The chosen configuration will make Euro Technologies independent from traditional energy supply forms most of the time; this will result in a dramatic reduction in the supply from the mains with a consequent reduction in the company’s expenditures.