Thermally conductive insulator – EU-INSK52-2

EU-INSK52-2 consists of Dupont Kapton polyimide film, precoated on both sides with thermally conductive Phase Change Material. The material is dry to the touch and flexible at room temperature. When placed between two rigid, rough, uneven surfaces and heat (>52°C) and pressure (4.5psi) are applied the following occurs:

1) When the heat exceeds 52°C (either from electronic component heat-up or because of externally applied heat) the PCM (Phase Change Material) becomes a soft, thixotropic consistency;

2) The physical pressure on the component causes the PCM to flow into the micropores of the component and heat sink, expulsing air from these pores;

3) The Kapton provides an excellent electrical insulation.

Specific product Characteristics
  • High dielectric strength of > 6000VAC
  • Resistant to tears and punctures
  • Low thermal resistance
  • Low mounting force
  • Sheet 300x300mm
  • Roll 300mmx90m
  • Die cut parts
Typical application
  • Audio amps
  • Switching mode power supplies
  • Power modules
  • General high pressure interface
Product properties
PropertiesEU-INSK52-2UnitTest Method
Substrate MaterialMT Polyimide
Substrate Thickness0,051mm
Total Thickness0,076mm
Tensile strength18kpsiASTM D412
Operating Temperature Range-60 up to 150°C
Dielectric with Stand Voltage6000VACASTM D149
Dielectric Breakdown Voltage7800Volts ACASTM D149
Volume resistivity4×1014Ohm-cmASTM D257
Dielectric constant @ 1 MHz1.8ASTM D257
Total thermal resistance
Pressure, psiUnits102050100200400
ASTM D5470 mod.°C-in² / watt0.
ASTM D5470 mod.°C-cm² / watt1,481,481,421,421,421,42


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