Eccosorb® CR500


Eccosorb CR500 is a castable resin series that, when fully cured, will duplicate the physical and electrical properties of its counterpart in the Eccosorb® MF500 series. For example, Eccosorb® CR500-117 is the equivalent to Eccosorb® MF500-117. Frequency range from 1 – 18 GHz. Low out-gassing properties for space applications.

Specific product Characteristics
  • High temperature
  • Low outgassing
  • Commercial Telecom
  • Security and Defense
Typical application
  • Eccosorb CR500 can be used to mold waveguide terminations, attenuators, and loads to size.
  • Eccosorb CR500 i savailable in six castable versions,CR500-110,CR500-112,CR500-114, CR500-116, CR500-117 & CR500-124.
  • Eccosorb CR500 is supplied as a two-part system consisting of a Component X and Component Y in 2 pound (quart) and 5 pound (gallon) kits.
  • Shelf life is approximately 6 months when stored unmixed in a well sealed container at temperatures no higher than 25°C (77 °F).
Instructions for use
  • Prepare mold by applying a thin coat of butchers wax.
  • Mix Part X in its shipping container to a uniform consistency before removing any material
  • If crystals appear in Part Y,gently heat to 65°C (150°F) until crystals go into solution
  • Weigh out the desired a mounts of both Part X and Part Y in accordance with the table below.
  • Heat Part X to about 65°C (150 °F). This will reduce the viscosity substantially and improve pourability. Note: in an effort to drop viscosity do not dilute with any chemical as this would alter the electrical performance of the material.
  • Thoroughly blend Part X and Part Y. Remove entrapped air, if necessary, by vacuum evacuation.
  • Pour into mold (pot life at 65°C (150°F) is about 1 hour) and cure per the below schedule. The mold is also preferably preheated to about 65°C (150 °F).
  • Clean up can be done with a solvent such as MEK.
  • Unlike Eccosorb CR or CRS, Eccosorb CR500 requires a 4-step cure  cycle to achieve its high temperature properties. Cure cycle is as follows:
    • 8 hours at 93°C (200°F)
    • then 12 hours at 121°C (250°F)
    • then 5 hours at 149°C (300°F)
    • then 3 hours at 177°C (350°F)
  • If small volumes of materials are to be cured, the cycle can be accelerated, but the stepped temperatures should be retained.
Product properties
PropertiesECCOSORB CR500
Service Temperature °C (°F)*<260 (<500)
Density (g/cc)1.6 to 4.6

(%TML) (cured CR500-124)

(%CVCM) (cured CR500-124)




Data for design engineer guidance only. Observed performance varies in application.Engineers are reminded to test the material in application.
*Eccosorb CR500 can be used for short periods at 260°C ( 500°F) permitting use at high power levels. Exposure to high temperatures should be limited. Slow change in physical and electrical properties occurs at temperatures above about 177°C (350°F).
* * Outgassing data per ASTM E595-07; criteria for acceptability is 1.00% TML and 0.10% CVCM.



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