Oriented wire silicones: mostly unknown and yet very surprising!

Euro Technologies offers a very wide and complete range of EMI shielding conductive elastomers solutions. This allows to bring a perfectly fit solution to every EMI shielding need that our customer might have. This product family composes of electrically conductive elastomers – elastomers filled with metallic/metallized particles – , conductive RTV silicone caulks, conductive dispensable silicone pastes for FIP applications and oriented wires silicones. The oriented wires silicones, are metallic wires embedded in a silicone matrix.


They are an interesting and competitive alternative to ECE metallic filled elastomers. Available only as flat gaskets, they allow to put in contact two surfaces via thousands of metallic wires oriented in the material thickness. The EMI shielding is insured by a metal-to- metal contact, while the silicone – that is pure – will guarantee excellent sealing level.
Oriented wire silicones can represent a consequent cost saving alternative to Electrically Conductive Elastomers – EcE, when applicable.
While electrically conductive elastomers – EcE have quite a high hardness, around 60 shore A (intrinsic to its composition), the embedded metallic wire silicones can be as soft as 20 shore A, which can be very appreciable in low compression force closures and assemblies.


The oriented embedded metallic wires silicones can easily be supplied with a pressure sensitive adhesive on one side, for an installation ease and stability of the gasket during assembling phase and servicing.
The oriented wire silicone strips and sheets can be assembled, without impact to the EMI shielding performance, into large enclosure and opening frame gaskets, offering a high standard solution.
Euro Technologies has a large experience in employing and customizing all types of EMI shielding silicones and elastomers, as well as all product families used in EMI shielding and offers to its customers all the support to guide them in their choice of the most appropriate solution for their needs and budget.

