Microwave absorber

Microwave absorber - Euro Technologies

Euro Technologies offers a wide range of microwave absorbers. Historically the use of these products is born into the military sector with the aim to reduce the reflective energy at high frequencies and during the last years, due to the increased clock speeds, the use of microwave absorber x also grown a lot into the commercial sectors.Markets like Telecom, Biomedical, Automotive and Aerospace x became an interesting audience. Euro Technologies is a preferred partner for them, able to supply a complete range of microwave absorbers well known for its technical performance, as well as its high level of customization, also extremely customized. Euro Technologies places itself more as a technological partner rather than as a standard reliable supplier.

Euro Technologies owns a range of microwave absorbers suitable to work to any type of frequency as VHF, UHF, microwave and millimeters.

We invite you all to get in contact with one of our sales&technical offices to better define the solution more in line with your needs.
