Euro Technologies understands The importance of HF-shielding material and thermal conductive material in Electric and Hybrid-vehicles

Euro Technologies, main European distributor and converter of Shielding RFI and Thermal MANAGEMENT products, understands that for electric- and hybrid-cars, electromagnetic compatibility is gaining more and more importance and evolves to a crucial factor.

Nowadays it´s even more necessary than in the past to deal with the upcoming electromagnetic fields, start to shield electronic components in the beginning of the project and to concede EMI in according to the complex interaction of the car components a huge significance. Euro Technologies works day by day to offer new and innovative solutions.

The number of electromagnetic disturbing sources inside of such innovative vehicles is clearly higher as in conventional vehicles. For example the electronic engine, the electrical power supply or a frequency converter and the corresponding connecting electric lines can occur an EMI-problem in the lower frequency sector. To be observed are also the very different voltage ranges and amperages which can appear in this kind of vehicle and that could cause interference in a wide frequency range.

Euro Technologies’ team, knows that  beside EMI theme, also thermal management is becoming more and more important. A lot of electronic control systems, performance electronic or LED lightning for example require corresponding measures for cooling via heat conduction. Despite the meanwhile quite high efficiency of LED´s the power loss (conversion of electric energy to heat), is an important theme in the sector of heat management in vehicles.
