Covid 19

Covid 19

Euro Technologies s.r.l. would like to inform you that sales and production activities continue to be operative while fully respecting the urgent measures of contagion containment issued by the Government with Decree of 8th March 2020 and following modifications.

The Government, through an explanatory note, clarified that DPCM published on Gazzetta Ufficiale n.59 dated 8th March does not stop either goods transportation or their production. We would also like to inform you that all our employees and collaborators live within 20km from the Company site therefore the limitations concerning movements beyond Lombardy borders, in our case do not apply.

Euro Technologies s.r.l., therefore, confirms its own full operativity respecting all regulations received from Authorities in Charge.

Euro Technologies s.r.l. is constantly following the situation and is trying everything to protect its customers, partners and its staff respecting all what has been required by Public Authorities.

We thank you for your attention and we keep on trusting in your faith.

Best regards.

The Management
