Fingerstock – Contact strips

Contact strips are used to close and thereby shield gaps between two surfaces. For optimum shielding performance, the contact strip must be placed so that they can span the minimum and the maximum gap.

The appropriate strip should be 20% higher than the maximum gap and should shrink to fit the minimum gap.

Fingerstock gaskets are made from beryllium copper which provides excellent spring quality, material strength and flex survival.

Further advantages are resistance to corrosion and self cleaning of contacts caused by opening and closing movements.

Beryllium copper shows resistance to air, ozone, solvents, UV light and even nuclear radiation.

It is suitable for applications with a wide temperature range and shows remarkable thermal and electric conductivity.

In comparison to other EMI/RFI gaskets, Fingerstock gaskets are lighter and require less closing force.

The wide variety of different designs and their simple installation make them a universal shielding gasket.

The clip-on type and the type with double-sided adhesive tape are the most simple installations available.

The adhesive tape adopted is non-conductive Y-9469 3M Scotch, 0.13 mm thick, that can be used with temperatures up to 120°C.

Many clip-on strips can be provided with lances to enhance fixing where applicable. Mounting holes allow screw or riveting on.

Whatever the installation, the electrochemical reaction must be considered to avoid galvanic corrosion: the surface treatment available help to eliminate this problem.

In their basic version, contact strips are supplied with a bright surface but, upon request, they can be chromium-plated, tin plated, zinc plated, as well as silver plated.

When using the correct compression force, contacts will not be damaged and will maintain their spring effect as a result.


Trattamento termico di tempra per garantire l’effetto molla di componenti in lega di Rame – Berillio
Trattamento galvanico superficiale a base nickel, zinco, stagno, argento, oro
Fissaggi Meccanici
Strumenti per il taglio



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