Hybrid Thermal / EMI Absorber


CoolZorb 600 Series

CoolZorb 600 ist ein Hybridabsorber / Wärmemanagement-Material der 2. Generation, das zur EMV- Verbesserung verwendet wird. Das Produkt wird wie ein herkömmliches Wärmeleitmaterial zwischen einer Wärmequelle wie einem IC und einem Kühlkörper oder einem anderen Wärmeübertragungsgerät oder einem Metallgehäuse verwendet. CoolZorb 600 dient auch dazu, unerwünschte Energiekopplung, Resonanzen oder Oberflächenströme zu unterdrücken, die EMV-Probleme auf Platinenebene verursachen.

Spezifische produkteigenschaften
Eigenschaften und Vorteile
  • Designed using silicone gel binder that imparts inherent tack typical of standard thermal gap fillers
  • Filler particle composition imparts both good thermal conductivity and excellent EMI suppression in the microwave frequency range with best attenuation performance at or above 3 GHz.
  • CoolZorb 600 passes UL94V0 requirements
  • Product does not require peel and stick adhesive when used like a traditional thermal interface material
    • Dual functional properties of thermal conductivity and EMI reduction provide two in one solution for easier design and assembly and lower cost of ownership
    • Improved reliability performance of electronics
      • Better signal integrity due to reduction of EMI
      • Consistent performance of electronics due to temperature stability and low outgassing properties of product
    • Improved EMC performance and resultant lower cost to meet compliance requirements
    • Environmentally friendly solution that meets regulatory requirements including RoHS and REACH
  • Standard sheet size is 12” X 12”
  • Thickness availability range is .020” – .125” (0.5mm- 3.1mm)
  • Common standards for thickness are .020”, .040”, .060”, .080” , .100” and .125” thickness (0.5mm, 1.0mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.5mm and 3.1mm)
  • No charge samples are available in 4” X 4” size for each of the above common thicknesses
Teilenummer System
  • CoolZorb 600 series absorber sheets (12”X12”) use the following designation when ordering: CZ600-XXX where XXX is thickness of absorber in thousands of an inch
  • CoolZorb 600 series no charge absorber samples (4”X4”) use the following designation when ordering: CZ600S-XXX where XXX is thickness of absorber in thousands of an inch
  • Example: CZ600-020 = CoolZorb 600, .020”X12”X12” sheet size; Example: CZ600S-040 = CoolZorb 600, .040”X4”X4 no charge sample size
Allgemeine produkteigenschaften


ColorDark grayVisual
Thermal conductivity3.0W/m-K-ASTM D5470
Density4.1 g/ccASTM D792
Hardness60 Shore 00ASTM D2240
Tensile strength50 psiASTM D638
Temperature Range-40°C to 175°CNA
UL FlammabilityUL94V0UL
Volume resistivity1 x 1012 Ω*cmASTM D257
Outgassing (TML)0.024%ASTM E595-07
Outgassing (CVCM)0.013%ASTM E595-07
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE)205 μm/mCIPC-TM-650 2.4.41
EMI Attenuation @ 5 GHz18.3 dB/cm
EMI Attenuation @ 15 GHz49.8 dB/cm
Standard Thickness range.020”-.125” (0.5-3.1mm)
Thickness Tolerance+/- .005” (+/-.127mm)



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