Eccosorb® HR


Eccosorb HR ist ein leichter, flexibler, flacher Breitband- Absorber basierend auf einem retikulären Polyurethane – Schaummaterial, welches mit einer schwarzen Kohlenstoffdispersion impregniert wird und eine kontrollierte Leitfähigkeit aufweist.

Spezifische produkteigenschaften
Eigenschaften und Vorteile
  • Sehr leicht
  • Offenzellig
  • Verschiedene Stärken, verschieden Frequenzen
  • Hohe Reflextionsleistung im freien Raum
  • Kommerzielle Telekommunikationsanwendungen
  • Parabolantennen
  • Sicherheit und Verteidigung
  • Testen und Messen
Typische Anwendungen
  • Lining of antenna shrouds for low side-lobe reflector antennas.
  • Decoupling of adjacent antenna sand array elements.
  • Camouflaging and interference suppression applications.
  • Masking of reflecting structures i.e. masts in anechoic chambers.
  • Standard sheets are 610 mm x 610 mm (24”x24”).
  • The material is available in 3 standard thicknesses:
    • Eccosorb HR-10 – nominal thickness 10mm
    • Eccosorb HR-15 – nominal thickness 15mm
    • Eccosorb HR-25 – nominal thickness 25mm
  • Other sizes and customer specified configurations can be delivered upon request.
  • As the material is a gradient loaded absorber, the back side of the absorber is marked and this side should be bonded to the surface. The front surface should face the incident electromagnetic energy for proper performance.
  • For optimal performance, Eccosorb HR should be bonded to a metal surface. If a metal surface is not available, the absorber can be supplied with an aluminium foil backing (ML) designated as HR-XX-ML.
  • Our specific Eccostock® foam adhesive is recommended to bond EccosorbHR.
Allgemeine produkteigenschaften
Frequency Range (GHz)5 to 90
Max Service Temperature °C (°F)90 (194)
Density kg/m3 (lb/ft3)45 (2.8)
Tensile Strength (kPA) 70
Elongation (%)170

Data for design engineer guidance only. Observed performance varies in application.
Engineers are reminded to test the material in application.
* Outgassing data per ASTM E595-07; criteria for acceptability is 1.00% TML and 0.10% CVCM.



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