Eccosorb® CRS


Ecosorb CRS ist eine Serie von gießbaren, magnetisch geladenen RTV-Silikongummimaterialien mit hoher Dämpfung im Mikrowellenfrequenzbereich. Wenn er vollständig ausgehärtet ist, dupliziert Eccosorb CRS die elektrischen Eigenschaften seines Pendants in der Ecosorb® MFSSerie. Zum Beispiel ist Ecosorb CRS-117 elektrisch äquivalent zu Eccosorb MFS-117. Als echtes Elastomer weist Ecosorb CRS nach der Aushärtung eine Reihe von Vorteilen gegenüber steifen Materialien vom Typ Ecosorb MF auf. Die elektrischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften der Ecosorb CRS-Serie entnehmen Sie dem Eccosorb MF Datenblatt.

Spezifische produkteigenschaften
Eigenschaften und Vorteile
  • 2- Komponenten giesbar
  • Geringe Ausgasung
  • Kommerzielle Telekommunikation
  • Sicherheit und Verteidigung
Typische Anwendungen
  • Eccosorb CRS can be used to cast cones, wedges and pyramids for terminations and loads.
  • It can be used to fill cavities or can be painted on surfaces to suppress the flow of currents. This product line finds use in antennas and transmission lines.
  • Eccosorb CRS can also be poured in place to form microwave gaskets, where a sheet elastomer would not fit. It can also be poured around the base of microwave tubes to prevent undesired energy flow.
  • When bonded to surfaces, Eccosorb® CRS will withstand temperature cycling (even to cryogenic temperatures). It can be deformed and shaped to contoured surfaces and is not subject to damage from impact or shock.
  • Eccosorb CRS is available in 2 grades : CRS-117 & CRS-124.
  • Eccosorb CRS is supplied as a 2-part system, consisting of a Part A(resin) and Part B (catalyst).
  • Please contact your local supplier for available sizes and packages, as there might be some regional differences.
  • It does not ship as a dangerous good.
  • Shelf life is approximately 6 months when stored unmixed in a well sealed container at temperatures no higher than 25°C (77°F).
  • Mix the Eccosorb CRS Part A in its shipping container using a power stirrer to insure homogeneity.
  • Part A is supplied as a high viscosity paste. In all cases a small amount of Part B has to be added.
  • Weigh out the desired amounts of both parts in the correct mix ratio as given below. Mix ratio : Eccosorb CRS-117: 100 parts of A to 1.18 parts of B Eccosorb CRS-124: 100 parts of A to 1.00 parts of B
  • To insure void-free castings, the entrapped air should be removed by vacuum de-airing.
  • Pour into the cavity to be filled.
  • Cure overnight at room temperature or for 3 hours at elevated temperatures of 80°C (175 °F).
    Where use temperature is anticipated above 120°C (248 °F), a post cure is recommended.
    Gradually raise cast parts to the use temperature over an 8 hour or longer period.
  • If cast around inserts, they place negligible curing pressures on them.
  • The Eccosorb® CRS will adhere to themselves but will release from most other surfaces. Therefore, metal or epoxy molds are suitable for cast shapes. If adhesion is required, a thin coat of a suitable primer should first be applied.
Allgemeine produkteigenschaften
Frequency Range>1 Ghz>1 Ghz
Service Temperature °C (°F)<160 (<320)<160 (<320)
Density (g/cc)4.164.55
Thermal Expansion Coefficient per °C
(per °F)
63 x 10-6
(35 x 10-6)
59 x 10-6
(33 x 10-6)
Thermal Conductivity W/mK0.91.0
Hardness, Shore A7575
Water Absorption, % 24h<0.1<0.1
Dielectric Strength volts/mil>10>10
Volume Resistivity, ohm-cm>10-6>10-6

Data for design engineer guidance only. Observed performance varies in application.
Engineers are reminded to test the material in application.



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